Sunday, July 11, 2010

Yet Another Review

I'm posting less and less because it is most likely that nobody is actually out there listening to me. Hmm. I'll still try to keep posting, but if anybody does follow this blog, can you make yourself known? Anyway, here is another movie review for all you people out there. The Last Airbender. Dissapointing. It was not NEAR as good as the original TV seiries. The problem was it actually tried to stay to close to the show, and in doing so, failed. I felt like the story was cluttered and confusing. You can't fit 30 episodes into a 2 hour film! But, If you did'nt see the show, or won't comapre the movie to the show, it can be an entertaining film. Tonight I am going to see Despicable Me. We'll see if thats good.

Also, I saw the play "Mary Poppins" over the weekend. Delightful. Don't be decieved by reviews in the newspaper, because it was wonderful! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! The first act was kind of dull, and seemed to drag on for a little to long, but the second act was a masterpiece! The casting was brilliant! I definatly suggest you go and see it!

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